Security on Android Based Mobile Phones

Open source architecture of Android was going to be a double edged sword from the very outset. It has had its fair share of positives and negatives. Security issues connected with the device is definitely one that is not on the better side of things.


In a worrying disclosure made jointly by the US Department of homeland security and FBI in August 2013 said that a huge number of their employees are using operating systems that are outdated and full of security vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited by hackers should they choose to. Security experts have blamed Android fragmentation for the platform’s vulnerabilities, noting that the vast majority of devices run older versions of the Android OS, preventing them from receiving new security measures delivered by Google and leaving users exposed to threats. Critics also maintain that Google has failed to sufficiently police its Google Play digital storefront, making it easy for attackers to distribute malware via Android apps.


Now considering that if people in FBI and DHS are unaware of the threats of using old Android OSs, it is not hard to imagine how much the general public would know about it. Since this problem is associated with the operating system itself, no manufacturer can be blamed for being careless with their efforts, but LG must be praised for what it has attempted recently.


GATE – Best security on android based mobile phones ever


LG rolled out Gate, which is a security bundle that is a great step at securing access of corporate resources from anywhere. Gate promises a private and business virtualization experience allowing users to run two operating systems on a single mobile device, effectively separating their business information and applications from their personal content. This has a huge implication on how users manage their personal and professional information on the web. With so many users bringing their own devices to work these days, it has become very important that they are given the right infrastructure to use their personal devices without worrying about privacy or security, and LG’s Gate is a solution that hits the nail right.


The issue needs to be addressed not only at the personal level, but also at the corporate level because employees at many organizations are using their personal android devices to access corporate networks which opens up a bridge for hackers to penetrate corporate firewalls through infected personal devices. Gate is a technology which creates a wrapper around personal and corporate data thereby containing everything in its own isolated sphere.


Android based mobile phones are scattered all over the place with quite a substantial number of versions and updates to consider, keeping a tab on all of that is not possible so the smarter way to deal with that is by accepting and adopting technologies like LG Gate.